Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Carissa Jakobe talks about...

Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Carissa Jakobe talks about...Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Carissa Jakobe talks about…

Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Carissa Jakobe talks about Drug crimes in Arizona, Drug charges and what makes Mendoza Jakobe Law the best practice to defend you #CriminalDefenseAttorney #violentcrimeslawyer #Drugcrimes #criminaldefenselawyer Phoenix, AZ Drug Crimes Defense What is considered a violent crime in Arizona? Contact Carissa Jakobe at See more videos from From Mendoza Jakobe Law at… How do I chooseth eright criminal defense attorney? Drug offenses are some of the most intricate cases to defend. Not everything is what it appears to be at first blush. For instance, a simple possession case where drugs are found on an individual’s person could be the result of an illegal search and seizure. Or on the other hand, an individual who is caught with a large quantity of drugs for sale should always ask the following questions: how did the government know what I had; how did they know where I would be; and to whom did they know I was selling to? Most often, large quantity drug sales are the result of a cooperation of confidential informants, a wiretap, or questionable law enforcement tactics. Mendoza Jakobe Law 722 E Osborn Road, Suite 310, Phoenix, Arizona 602-274-0016 by Mendoza Jakobe Law

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Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Carissa Jakobe talks about Drug crimes in Arizona, Drug charges and what makes Mendoza Jakobe Law the best practice to defend you #CriminalDefenseAttorney #violentcrimeslawyer #Drugcrimes #criminaldefenselawyer Phoenix, AZ Drug Crimes Defense What is considered a violent crime in Arizona? Contact Carissa Jakobe at See more videos from From Mendoza Jakobe Law at… How do I chooseth eright criminal defense attorney? Drug offenses are some of the most intricate cases to defend. Not everything is what it appears to be at first blush. For instance, a simple possession case where drugs are found on an individual’s person could be the result of an illegal search and seizure. Or on the other hand, an individual who is caught with a large quantity of drugs for sale should always ask the following questions: how did the government know what I had; how did they know where I would be; and to whom did they know I was selling to? Most often, large quantity drug sales are the result of a cooperation of confidential informants, a wiretap, or questionable law enforcement tactics. Mendoza Jakobe Law 722 E Osborn Road, Suite 310, Phoenix, Arizona 602-274-0016 by Mendoza Jakobe Law

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